Letter from the President

Created by Marcus Honkisz |

On behalf of the International Board, I am writing to let you know that we are currently accepting letters of intent and resumes to be considered for Committee Chairs or Committee Member positions.

Fraternal greetings everyone

On behalf of the International Board, I am writing to let you know that we are currently accepting letters of intent and resumes to be considered for Committee Chairs or Committee Member positions. The Boards Fall Meeting will be held from November 14th to the 16th. At these meetings, the Committee Chairs are reviewed and selected by the board. Please send your letters of intent and resumes to the International Secretary (secretary(at)redknightsmc.com) if you are interested and desire to serve as a Chair or Member of a committee. We will take all the names presented to us to select the Chairs and will present the names of those wanting to serve and deliver them to the new Chairs once they have been appointed or reinstated.

These are the Committee Chairs we will be appointing or reinstating:

  • Communications Chair
  • Newsletter Editor
  • Grand Tour Committee
  • IT Committee

These chairs will then select their committee members. These are annual commitments that are reviewed at the International Boards Fall meeting each year. Please submit your (committee-specific) letters of intent and resumes no later than October 1st, 2024.

On behalf of the International Board of Directors,

R. Spike Ostiguy
International President
